Our Service
Oxford Nightline is a listening, support and information service run for and by students of the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University. We provide every student in Oxford with the opportunity to talk to someone in confidence, operating from 8pm every night of the academic year.
Nightline is run for students, by students, and operate independently of the universities we serve. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, or try to solve problems, but we care about whatever is on your mind and we will listen to whatever you want to talk about without judging or telling you what to do.
Beyond support calls, we also we maintain an extensive database of information useful to students in Oxford, ranging from details of mental health services to STI clinics. And if you are walking home alone, we offer get home safe calls to chat until you reach your destination.
Our Approach
We operate on the principle of non-directional listening, meaning we don’t give callers advice or tell them what to do. Instead, we create a safe space where students can talk about whatever they want, whether it’s something big or small. Our service is founded on complete confidentiality, non-judgemental listening, patient conversation and respect for every caller.
We believe that sometimes, it’s just good to have the opportunity to talk things through, or to know that there’s someone there who cares and is willing to listen.
What you discuss with our volunteers will not be shared outside of Nightline. This allows you to put your trust in our listening volunteers.
You don’t have to give any information about yourself. This creates a safe space to speak as freely as possible.
There is no bad reason to call us. Our volunteers won’t judge, and will support you through whatever it is you’re going through.
We give you the space to make your own decisions and support you in this, rather than telling you what to do.
Our History
Oxford Nightline began in 1971 when a second-year undergraduate at St Anne’s College, established the service after being inspired by similar initiatives at other universities. Since our first call in 1972, we’ve maintained a continuous presence in Oxford, operating seven days a week throughout every academic year. Over five decades, we’ve trained over 2,500 student volunteers.
Oxford Nightline is established
Founded by a 2nd year St. Anne’s College student, inspired by Nightlines at other universities. This vision established a foundation for peer support that would last decades.
First training cycle
The first training session welcomed 75 applicants, with 35 selected to become volunteers. This established the selective training process that ensures quality support.
Nightline starts serving Oxford Polytechnic
Merger with Oxford Polytechnic (now Oxford Brookes) Nightline, expanding the service to support more students across Oxford’s institutions.
Nightline moves to an internal phone system
Implementation of a new internal phone system, which gives us the 270270 number we have still to this day.
Nightline wins OUSU Society of the Year
Nightline won the Society of the Year Award from the Oxford University Students’ Union.
Chosen as Lord Mayor’s Charity
Colin Cook becomes Lord Mayor of Oxford and chooses Oxford Nightline as one of his charities, highlighting the organisation’s impact on the community.
Remote support during COVID-19
Nightline temporarily transitioned to remote services during COVID-19, ensuring continuous support for students during unprecedented times.
Nightline’s 50th anniversary
Celebration of 50 years of student support through a conference and alumni dinner, marking half a century of listening. The conference included a keynote address from Paul Farmer, the CEO of Mind.
Nightline opens for the entire Brookes semester
For the first time, Nightline covered the entire Oxford Brookes semester, in addition to its existing provisions, with its instant message service throughout the night.