Contact us

This page lists all the contact details for Oxford Nightline's various officers and teams.

Please note that we do not offer support via any of these contact methods. Nightline does not currently run an email support service.


Oxford Nightline is run by two coordinators, who can both be reached at [email protected].

Each coordinator only serves for two terms before stepping down, and the two positions rotate in alternate terms — so keep in mind that that the person you spoke to last term may have handed over to someone else this term!

Training Organisers (TOs)

The TOs are responsible for overseeing our comprehensive training programme for listening volunteers. They can be reached at [email protected].

Your first port of call if you wish to train as a listening volunteer should be our volunteering page, which contains detailed information on training and a link to the sign-up form.

However, if after reading the page you still have unanswered questions about training as a listening volunteer, the TOs will be more than happy to assist.

Senior Member

University and College welfare staff needing to discuss any aspect of Oxford Nightline's work are also welcome to contact the Senior Member of Oxford Nightline, who is an academic with oversight of the group. The Senior Member may be contacted at [email protected].


Our publicity team can be reached at [email protected]. They can provide publicity materials and attend events upon request.


Our fundraising team can be reached at [email protected].


If you're looking for someone not in this list, please email our coordinators at the above address and they will do their best to help you.

Please be aware that, in order to maintain anonymity, we do not divulge the identities of our listening volunteers.